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What is SEO And How Does it Work

one of the best ways to do this is there what's called search engine optimization is to give you a basic overview how search engines work so you can better understand what search engine optimization or SEO is all about. Let’s get started as of today there are over 130 million rested web sites out there on the internet to sort through all of it. Most of us rely on search engines to find what we want and the search engines have become so good that over 90% percent of people using the Internet rely on them to find things now there's lots of good search engines out there but about 83 % of people worldwide use Google.
when you search for something with Google you get back a result page and there's lots of stuff on this shows you how many websites Google found that are probably relevant to what you're looking for.

here companies can pay call the place ads for when people search for particular but this is the section most people care about is the actual results list which is just a list of websites that are most likely to contain what you're looking for and you'll notice this is just the first result page. Here’s the important part most people just don't know over, 94 % of people that use Google on the quick results on this first page if they don't bother looking for they usually don't bother clicking on subsequent result pages. people who do click on the first page most only clicking in fact about 63 percent of people just click right in. this is why optimizing your website for search engines doing SEO is so important when people search for something that relevant to them and they see your website in the search results, click and visit your page. these are people are looking for exactly what you offer but if your website isn't showing up towards the top the results are so or if it isn't even on the first page it's almost like your website doesn't exist no one can even find it.

Now in our example we search for California sales we got back about 22 million web-search results not exactly a small number have you ever wondered why some web-sites show on this first page and others are stuck way down at the bottom of the pile. well sites position in search results as determined by what's referred to as page rank every website has a ranking for particular search terms or keywords. in the beginning for search engines work by tracking all the words on web pages so if you search for California sandals you get back to list the web sites containing those two keywords and the web sites that had those words most of them ranked higher initial up towards the top a result pages. so keywords are important because it ugly out there but back-links move your website up the food chain that's why search results you see are called organic or natural results. the constantly changing based on what people actually do out there on the web.

                    On surprising me as there are these two aspects how search engines fine and bring pages there are two corresponding components of SEO.

First is the on-site compare this is where you ensure your site is full of keywords that are relevant to what your site about so for example if you sell sandals California you want to make sure relevant keywords on our site like sandals.

Second component of a SEO's called off-site SEO this is where you work to create back-links to your website that originate from other sources links to your site could be created using articles, social media, blog post, discussion boards and so on.

SEO is important because it helps him to the top, relevant search results an sense almost everyone relies heavily on search engines to find anything online.
SEO is the most effective way to increase traffic to your site good SEO takes time so the senior star.

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